Friday, February 20, 2009

Pointing Fingers

I think the line goes, "Let those without sin cast the first stone." Thanks for setting the example Congress.

Congressional Junkets Defended as Work Based.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just Sick and Disgusting... In a G.O.O.D. Music Way

Kanye West feat. Kid Cudi - Welcome To Heartbreak

This is the best song off of '808's and Heartbreak' and is a ridiculous video that does the song justice. The little Kanye dance at the 3:10 mark kills me every time! Bravo, Mr. West.

Part of the Solution

This is going to become an increasingly more significant problem which is amazing when the national consensus seems to be that it is already a problem. Health care costs will compound the effects of this recession. If this problem is not addressed, then we are already aware of the next large bubble that will blow in a few years.

COBRA takes a Big Bite out of Unemployment Pay

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life = Art

"The training of the mind is an art. If this can be considered as art, one's life is art. I am not interested in the physical aspect of art. I simply mediate and train my mind. And as far as external appearance is concerned, nature in its pristin form is also art."

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Continuing Tilt towards Socialism?

Here are some very good thoughts on how the government should handle the insolvent banks that we have thus far "bailed-out." What he is saying here is principled, by the book, capitalism in that he is using the system, by its definition, to advocate a much more socialistic solution to the credit crisis. It is pretty brilliant to be honest. The problem is politics. If we can't get a single Republican Representative and only three Republican Senators to vote for the stimulus package, the chances are slim that something like this would pass. Here is a point where politics impedes economics.

Why We're Not Socialists.

I Would Not Want to be the President

Obama faces many difficult decisions regarding the detention of suspected terrorists. I am sympathetic to both arguments. We must have habeas corpus and due process as a part of the foundation of any legal system. Without that, it is too easy to concentrate power and destroy a free society. It is wrong to imprison someone if they have not committed a crime or if there is no real evidence towards a pre-meditative act. It is also wrong, no matter the situation, to use torture to coerce statements and information. On the other hand, if and when there is ever another terrorist attack on American soil, can you imagine how this country will react. It won't be a free society, there is no doubt about it. At that point, it would be very easy, for no matter who holds the presidency, to use the presidential war-time powers and infringe on civil liberties. Most would probably be in favor of that as well as they accepted the "I don't mind because I am innocent" mentality.

There is a fine line in interpreting these situations. Many issues still need to be defined. No matter what Obama decides to do, I believe he has set himself up for failure. He will never be able to live up to his campaign promises of directing a new path against terrorism. In my opinion, this is similar to the Palestine/Israel situation, the only real solution seems to be a lose/lose.

The Hard Cases

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday!

"I'm from the city in the Midwest, best city in the whole wide world."

The Greatest City in the Greatest State turns 150. Congratulations Lansing. I also want to say good job on selecting Martha Kliebert as the director of the anniversary. She was a hell of a soccer team coordinator growing up and I imagine she is just as good as the director of the 150th anniversary.

Lansing Turns 150

Friday, February 13, 2009

Golden Parachute

I think this is just about as bad as any of the "golden parachutes" received by anyone at a major financial firm. He is hired and on the same day Compuware lays off 250 more people.

The only way I can justify this is by saying that people do deserve second chances but something still doesn't seem right, especially in this economy.

Kilpatrick to Get Job with Compuware Unit.

Compuware Lays Off 250 More Employees

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is my favorite favorite part...

I've been holding on to this one for a while but today felt right.

Gender Differences

I post this piece for all of the women that I lived with last year as we had a few discussions on the socialization of gender. The author did not even touch on the socialization piece of this but if you have any thoughts, please comment. Don't just read the author's post but read the comments as well.

Happy Meal Toys

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Politics of Economics

Are politics ruining economics? Interesting idea, especially when there are a lot of congressmen who don't understand the full scope of the stimulus package but are toying with it for political posturing.

Of course though, some would argue that economics ruined itself long before.

Politics is damaging the credibility of economics

By the way, I usually like what Krugman has to say.

He Does It Again

The album came out several weeks ago. I gave it a good listen. Here is my opinion on Springsteen's new album, Working on a Dream.


You probably aren't surprised that I like it. I will admit though that it doesn't hit me as much as some of his other more recent albums like The Rising or Magic but it is good. It doesn't hold as much meaning to me at this point in my life because of the point of view and perspective from which the album is written. It is more of a reflection on a long life rather than looking forward to a long life. I don't have his perspective yet so I cannot relate as well. I am sure I will come to appreciate it more as I age.

My favorite tracks on the album, in no particular order are as follows:

The Last Carnival (written for Danny Federici after he died), Tomorrow Never Knows, Kingdom of Days, Life Itself, The Wrestler, This Life, and Surprise, Surprise

Here is a review of the album as well.

The Rock Laureate

Monday, February 9, 2009


Calling Congress out on its actions, or lack thereof.

Congress' Phony War On Torture

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cool Video: Metronomy - A Thing for Me

Gender in the Office

This economic downturn is changing the look of the American workforce.

Gender and Job Losses.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

So what if I'm ugly?

The designers of these toys, David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim, want to prove that Ugly also means celebrating who you are inside and showing everyone what you’ve got. Check out Uglydolls.

Stimulus and Recession

So this article details the new plan to have banks try to sell their troubled assets. This is something that should have happened back in the fall. These assets are the source of the problem and usually when you want to fix something, you go to the source. When Japan faced a similar crisis in the 1990's and then had a stagnated and deflated economy for a decade, they did not attempt to take the assets off of the company's books and it was later determined to be one of the causes for the prolonging of the problem.

If the assets are not taken off of the books (I would say that most, if not all, of the mortgages should be refinanced. I know it is a significant and broad step but then again so is $900 Billion) then it will just prolong the recession and perpetuate the downward cycle as more people lose jobs, more people will be foreclosed upon, and the cycle will continue.

If you get the assets off of the books, the companies will be more liquid (and in theory) should begin to lend again. Since the lending didn't occur the last time it was proposed in theory, this banks should be federally mandated to begin lending again. It does not have to be an outrageous sum but enough to spur on some growth and so that the only tool fighting the recession is not just the government's fiscal spending.

That is problem with this proposal. As pointed out in the article, there are no mandatory regulations that will be put in place requiring institutions to lend. An error in my opinion. Hopefully, Geithner isn't taking advice from Paulson.

On another note, all of you Michiganders out there might recognize former Governor John Engler in the article's accompanying picture.

Plan to Help Banks Sell Bad Assets.

This article is from Naomi Klein and it discusses how other countries' citizens have reacted to the credit crisis.

All of Them Must Go.

Life's Greatest Treats Often Come From Germany

I don't think I need to say anything. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Passion Pit - Cuddle Fuddle

Haiku Friday

This is my prayer
And I consider it done
By measure of faith.


Meridian- Listen to Your Breaking Heart

I am surprised it took me this long to post these guys. Check out the video and if you like it, they have more on YouTube. Just follow this link:


Or go to their MySpace.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Being out in the world is a really, really important part of the whole process."

New book, Pygmy, due out May 5, 2009.

“Begins here first account of operative me, agent number 67 on arrival Midwestern American airport greater _____ area. Flight _____. Date _____. Priority mission top success to complete. Code name: Operation Havoc.”

Thus speaks Pygmy, one of a handful of young adults from a totalitarian state sent to the United States, disguised as exchange students, to live with typical American families and blend in, all the while planning an unspecified act of massive terrorism. Palahniuk depicts Midwestern life through the eyes of this thoroughly indoctrinated little killer, who hates us with a passion, in this cunning double-edged satire of an American xenophobia that might, in fact, be completely justified. For Pygmy and his fellow operatives are cooking up something big, something truly awful, that will bring this big dumb country and its fat dumb inhabitants to their knees.

It’s a comedy. And a romance.

Race Matters

A few articles on racism.

The first discusses police brutality on the black population. I'm not discounting the fact that the police have a high stress job but it seems like once a week when I want the local news another Chicago officer has shot and killed someone. It seems to be all too common. Also, the shooting of Diallo that the article discusses is chronicled in a Springsteen song, "41 Shots."

Still Shooting At Us.

The second article is about the health care issue in this country. I know this is a much discussed issue but we haven't done anything about it and until we do, it will only get worse. Now is a perfect time to address this problem.

Deamonte's Toothache.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Heeding Obama's Call

Joel Stein will do his part, how about you?

Uncle Sam, and Aston Kutcher, Want You

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

M. Ward - Fisher of Men

I heard this song on NPR's "All Songs Considered." It's a really good folky song.

He tied a feather to the hood for to get you to look

And by the time you know what took you, you already took

He's got a line in the water, he's a fisher of men

And he put the thorns on the rose for to get you to bleed

And by the time you know what stuck you, the pains in deep

He's got a line in the water, he's a fisher of men

He's got a lot on the line, he's a fisher of men

He's a fisher of men, he's wise as a prizefighter

He's like a soul martyr, mining souls on down the great divide

Aw, the fisher of men

Fisher of men

He's got a lot on the line

And he put his name in my verses and his name in the hook

Before I knew what I was cooking, it was already cooked

He's got a line in the water, he's a fisher of men

And he put his name in my chorus, and the dark before the dawn, so that in my time of weakness, I'd remember it's his song

He's got a line in the water, he's a fisher of men

He's got a lot on the line, he's a fisher of men

He's a fisher of men, he's as wise as a prizefighter

He's like a soul martyr, mining souls on down the great divide

Always a fisher of men

Fisher of men

He's got a lot on the line

Download the song here.

Charity is Only Part of the Solution

A company with a business model focused on developing products for those with a true need, not just a want. The world's population in extreme poverty has long been under-served by business.

A Company Prospers by Saving Poor People's Lives.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Animal Collective - My Girls

Putting a Face on the Economy

As Joseph Stalin once said, "One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic."

Let's not get lost in the numbers.

Don't Let Numbers Numb You.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wallace at His Finest

Probably some of the best advice ever given on how to approach life. I don't know if any other commencement speech could top this. Please read it more than once. Rest in Peace David Foster Wallace.

Thanks Ed.

2005 Kenyon Commencement Address- David Foster Wallace